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  1.   (Advanced search)
  1. Search Instructions:
    - To search for summaries which contain a phrase of two or more words, enter the words in quotation marks e.g. entering "business confidence" and putting quotation marks around the phrase as shown here will search for summaries with the exact phrase "business confidence".

    -To search for summaries which contain one or more words, enter the words and delete the '+' symbol in the search box e.g. entering the words: profit report and deleting the + symbol will search for summaries with the word profit, summaries with the word report and summaries with both words.

    - Select Advanced search to add a logic criterion and filter search results.

    - You are not currently logged in as a registered user. Only the first 5 available results will be shown. To access our full archive, please log in, or, if you currently do not have an account, please contact us or subscribe for a free trial.

    - The search will search ONLY the body of the summary appearing in InfoXpress not the body of the original article, however a reference or a link to the original article will be provided, if available

    - Our archive is available from August 21 2007.

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